For ambitious, determined and driven coaches & Service Providers who want to FAST TRACK their success in JUST ONE DAY

by Application Only


For the new or early-stage Coach/Service provider looking to start or scale their business with confidence and attract consistent dream clients on repeat - without sleazy strategies, cold DMs or complicated tech that takes forever to implement.

Are you a Coach/Service provider who wants to start or grow their business but you’re struggling to get traction, signing one client here and there and then nothing for ages?

Is fear and overwhelm stopping you from showing up fully and getting visible to promote and sell your services hard and icky?

Do you feel confused about exactly what you need to do to grow your business each day and are spending hours in front of your computer wondering what steps to take and feeling confused and a little burnt out?

You’re probably...

  • Tired of stopping and starting with your business dreams. Making slow progress on some days whilst barely moving forward at all on others as those same fears and doubts keep creeping up again and again. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of making a mistake, fear of what others will think.

  • Looking around at other entrepreneurs who seem to have it all figured out and feeling completely inferior. You wonder if you will ever get there and the constant comparisonitis is making you second guess and doubt yourself even though you know you have a big message to share.

  • Feeling awkward around claiming your expertise in your area and instead are asking yourself questions like “who am I to do this?”, “who will buy from me?” and imposter syndrome is coming up in overdrive. You know you’re hiding in your biz and WANT to show up as the woman you’re meant to be, but you can’t get out of you own way.

  • Totally annoyed with how whilst you’ve excelled at everything else you’ve done in life (you’re an over achiever academically or flew up the corporate ladder) but this business thing is just stumping you and you can’t seem to figure out why. You’re either totally shattered after a day at work to get anything done or spending hours “working” on your business but when you look back on what you’ve actually achieved it’s very little.

  • You have no idea how to position yourself, what your message is and the thought of someone actually working with you is making you more nervous than you’d care to admit. The idea of charging your worth is a far flung fantasy at the moment.

I get it because I’ve been there – and the good news for you?

I know exactly how to help you overcome these pesky fears and beliefs so that they no longer get in the way of you going after your dreams AND show you the EXACT steps you need to be taking each day to grow your business - with ease and less stress.

If you’re ready to transform your confidence and self belief, show up as an expert, create an irresistable signature offer and attract dream clients consistently then I have just the thing for you. ……

The VIP Private One Day Intensive

A full day of coaching and business mentoring to help you overcome your fears, create the mindset for success, create an aligned action plan to kickstart your business and create the freedom and impact you are looking for.

What exactly is a One One Day Intensive?

A One Day Intensive is a full, highly focused and tailored day of Coaching where we work closely to clarify your big goals and vision around your business, identify any stumbling blocks, mindset issues and insecurities, and map out of a plan of action to make your goals a reality.

It’s strategy, mindset, energetics, goals, action, accountability and personal and professional transformation in a day.

Oh and did I mention the gorgeous setting and a spectacular lunch! (a girl’s got to do things in style right!).

You’ll discover the exact steps you need to take to go from floundering in your life and business to flourishing.

All the while developing that rock-solid mindset that is going to kickstart your business and attract those clients to you - consistently.

We will spend a full day together and dive deep into your specific challenges, desires, and goals.

The Intensive is individually tailored to you and I will make sure you get the support you need as well the desired outcome for the day (or we don’t go home!)

You will create the plan to build a business aligned with who you are, serving your tribe and bringing your unique gift to the world all the while working from anywhere. You’ll also see that you don’t need to spend forever to get there. When we work together you will learn the key money making tasks in your business so that you can cut your working hours in half - leaving you more time to spend on the things that matter - time with loved ones, making memories, travel, days at the spa.

Your investment - limited time offer £997


How will a One Day Intensive Help Me?

A One Day Intensive will compress your timeline in a major way. Think business building on steroids!

We will focus on the critical next steps from where you are and where you want to be. No fluff, no filler, no BS because ain’t nobody got time for that!

You’re a woman on a mission and we’re going to get you there in lightning speed.

We’ll work on the key needs you have at that time.

  • Need a major mindset overhaul?

  • Got blocks around money and charging your worth?

  • Need to get clarity around your ideal client and messaging? 

  • Need to put together a killer package?

  • Can’t get eyeballs on your offers?

  • Can’t find the right words for your copy?

  • Need to work on automation

  • Need to grasp systems and structures,


Whatever it is that’s blocking you, we’ll banish it for good. In a loving and nurturing way of course..


When you say yes to the Intensive experience, you:

  • Give yourself permission to go after your biggest dreams and show the Universe that you are serious. The Universe can never say no to a woman on a mission.

  • Awaken yourself to your true potential and open yourself up to massive and immediate results. I am talking about serious compression of your timeline.

  • Can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you don’t have to go it alone and know that you are fully supported in your journey.

  • Open yourself up to abundance and prosperity. Change the old conditioning and stories around wealth and write yourself a new money story.

    Follow your soul’s blueprint and live life completely on purpose. I mean working with your soulmate clients that you love – calling it work feels almost wrong.

  • Transform your confidence and self-belief and start showing up as an expert and authority in your niche so that you magnetise clients and opportunities to you.

  • Get fully visible and sell your services with ease so that you attract clients consistently.

  • Feel excited and purposeful about your business.

I'm passionate about helping talented women put their work into the world and get paid handsomely whilst creating the freedom and impact they are looking for.


What if you could:

  • Work from anywhere doing what you love? No more trudging into work reluctantly on a Monday morning, you will literally jump out of bed raring to go.

  • Finally, start and scale the business of your dreams. You will find that feeling of accomplishment is second to none when you do that.

  • Work with amazing women, help them create powerful transformations in their lives.

  • Switch from limited, scarcity thinking to an abundance mindset and invite untold money miracles into your life.

  • Stop the business guessing game and take determined and focused action by taking the steps that will get you where you want to be quicker. I’m talking inspired action.

  • Banish fear, confusion, overwhelm, negative and limiting beliefs and tap into the resourceful, passionate and driven woman you know you are.

  • Develop your new “anything is possible” mindset.


Your Path to Consistent Clients and Your Dream Business Starts Here

Ready to know more about how it works?

The work will start before the Intensive.

When you are accepted for an Intensive place, you will be given an extensive Welcome Pack to get clarity around your goals and nail down the exact outcome you want from the intensive.

I want you to get as much out of the Intensive as you possibly can and this Pack will deliver instant clarity and allow me to tailor the day to your needs and priorities.  (I don’t do cookie cutter solutions for my clients).

Some of the topics you may want to consider include:-

  • Identify your unique selling points and abilities. Nail down your zone of genius that will make you a client magnet.

  • Pricing up your packages so that you’re not underselling yourself and the amazing work that you do.

  • Becoming more visible in the marketplace. Overcoming the blocks that are stopping you from doing that right now.

  • Packaging up your services into programs that speak directly to your ideal clients.

  • Leveraging your time by having the right systems and structures in place so that you can work smarter not harder.

  • Opening yourself up to receive the wealth and abundance you deserve.

  • Make way for self-care and self-love in your routine so that you are not working yourself into the ground and feeling resentful towards your business.

  • Elevating your Wealth Consciousness to remove the money blocks responsible for your financial underachievement. Finally earn the money that reflects your true ability. 

  • Crafting a simple sales path that brings your ideal clients to you, so you don't have to go chasing them. 


it’s time to intensify your success and impact this year

and become unstoppable

Its time for you to tap into that powerful person you’re meant to be and fast forward to your dream life and business.

Your investment - limited time offer £997


Please note this may vary according to your requirements and what we focus on during the Intensive.

9.15-9.30 Welcome Coffee

9.30-11.00am 90 Minute Coaching Session – Transforming Your Mindset

11.00-11.15 Morning Break

11.15-12.45pm - 90 Minute Coaching & Strategy Session

12.45pm-1.30pm Lunch

1.30pm-3.00pm 90 Minute Coaching & Strategy Session

3.00pm-3.45pm 90-Day Planning Session with post Intensive Action Plan

3.45pm – 4.15pm Closing Comments and Questions

5.00pm - 6.30pm - Post Intensive Self Care and Reward


Your investment - limited time offer £997




You will start with:


Welcome Packet

A welcome packet you complete before we begin our work together to establish clarity, goal setting, and exactly what you want to accomplish during our journey together. You can’t beat starting as you mean to go on.


And then:


60-Min Pre Intensive Session

A session with Tasmin before the intensive, fill me in on everything about your business dreams, where you want to go, how we’re going to get you there, lay the foundations for some serious progress coming up

Package specifications.png

A One Day VIP Intensive with Tasmin

Work on the areas we have identified during our initial call and from the welcome pack. Including a mixture of mindset, strategy and action to get you moving forward in your business.


60-Min Follow-Up Coaching Session

scheduled 1 week after the intensive. Receive any additional support and to make sure you’re not left overwhelmed and unsupported when the intensive is over.

Unlimited Email access

to Tasmin for laser coaching for two weeks after the intensive is conducted.

Tools, templates, Checklist and Workbooks

My bumper list of personal resources and complete reading list so you don’t have to spend hours on researching what you need as well as Tech Start up guide and access to my team.

Your investment - limited time offer £997


See what’s included at a glance:


materials & resources

An in depth Welcome Packet to complete pre intensive

60 minute Pre-Intensive coaching session 1 week before

A full day of transformational coaching. Face to face Intensives include complimentary tea, coffee and lunch

2 weeks of unlimited email access (after the event)

One 60 minute follow up coaching session Post Intensive

Access to all my PDF guides, course books, tutorials, resources and done for you scripts


You CAN kickstart your business, get off the income rollercoaster and attract consistent clients and you can make SERIOUS progress on it in this one day. It’s time to rise up and claim it.

Your investment - limited time offer £997



What is the structure of the Intensive?


There is an example structure above to give you an idea. However, once I have received your completed Welcome Pack & Questionnaire, I will assess what can be achieved in the day and what your expected outcomes are and tailor the structure to best fit your requirements.


I’ve not started my business yet or only started it recently– is this Intensive right for me?

Yes absolutely. The Intensive will give you the clear steps you need to take to get your business off the ground the right way, or to refine your message and attract your ideal clients if you have already started.  It’s also perfect for you if you are still in your 9-5 and struggling to find the time to work on your business. In this intense and focused day, you will make significant progress and take maximum advantage of the limited time you do have available. I don’t call it business building on steroids for nothing! If you don’t have a business idea however, this is not for you.


Is there a payment plan?

Yes there is a payment plan available of 3 instalments of £350.


Your investment - limited time offer £997

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Your investment - limited time offer £997