Let's talk about dealing with comparison as an online Coach.
It's so easily done right?!
After all, you're seeing all those success stories on the internet and it's making you doubt yourself and let's be honest it's triggering you a little.
You know the one's I'm talking about. Suzy superguru grew her business overnight with 6 followers on her list.
So you try and figure out what she did. After all success leaves clues right!
And before you know it you're back in comparison feeling totally inferior.
I can totally relate. I've done this a "few" times.
But let me tell you this. All that comparisonitis is not serving you. Wishing you were her is not serving you.
You don't need to reverse engineer her funnel.
You don't need to hack her marketing.
You don't need to ahem "borrow" her web copy to find out the exact words she's using.
As Theodore Roosevelt says "Comparison is the Thief of Joy".
You know that though right?
“Comparison is the thief of joy”
If despite this, the comparisonitis is getting in your way and stopping you from moving ahead with your business then consider these simple tips to help you shift out of it.
1) Don't Compare Your Chapter 1 to Someone Else's Chapter 21.
Instead compare yourself to where you were yesterday.
When you are looking around comparing your results to everyone else's you don't always know the full back story. That person might have more experience than you, they may have invested more, they may have had more support, they may have a better belief system that allows them to get them those results.
None of these things mean that you can't get there too when the time is right for you. Resist the temptation to compare with those that are way ahead of you and instead compare yourself to where YOU were yesterday.
2) Stay In Your Own Lane.
Now that you've ditched the comparisonitis with those on a different chapter. It's time to get laser focused on your own path.
What is it that you want? Why do you want to create your business?
What does YOUR dream business look like?
What do you want to create for yourself?
You see when you get clear on these things you might realise that it's very different to what someone else wants in any case.
Set SMART goals for what you want to create. SMART means Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Bound.
Then break down your big goal into actionable steps and take the first step that will take you towards your goals.
3) Declutter Anything That Doesn't Make You Feel Good and Reduce the Consumption.
When we are working towards our goals it's important to reduce the noise so that you can move forward with focus towards your own goals.
This might mean a social media detox. Or clearing your inbox of the million and one subscriptions that you've got right now.
Consider also doing a declutter of your physical space and release anything affecting you mentally and emotionally.
Clutter is congealed energy and when you release this energy you open yourself up to possibility and create a clearer path to your goals.
Journal prompt: What do I have in my life that is not serving me right now that I need to clear?
4) See Other’s Success As Evidence of Your Possibilities.
Instead of comparing yourself to the person that you think is so much further ahead allow yourself to see her as evidence of YOUR possibilities.
Yes, the fact that someone else is doing it means it's possible for you.
It's not a threat
Or a trigger
Or something to feel bad about if you don't allow it to be.
So instead of comparing and feeling inferior shift to finding the inspiration and lessons in their stories. That's your evidence it's possible for you too.
And then focus on what makes YOU unique, stay in your own lane and serve the people you are meant to serve and watch things come together.
5) Enjoy Your Journey and Be Present For It.
So often we can want to be somewhere other than where we are now. To be further along. To reach our goals quicker but when we do this we are not honouring our own personal journey and the growth along the way.
Instead of comparing give gratitude for where you are at RIGHT now and decide to see what is great about that instead.
Take a second now to think of 5 things that you are grateful for right now - it could be something simple like a sunny day (or a rainy one), the food you have to eat, the wins that you've already achieved, clients you have already served, clarity gained. Go for it and bask in those good feelings.
Comparisonitis is inevitable but we can choose how to respond to it and not be overcome by it.
If you're ready to overcome the comparisonitis and start attracting your dream coaching clients to you then download my free course Zero to Client is for you. You can download it here.
Hey, I'm Tasmin! I'm a Mindset & Business Confidence Coach for new and aspiring female entrepreneurs. I help overcome their fears and ramp up their confidence so that they can escape the corporate drudgery and create a life and business on their terms.
Want to chat about how I can help you? Apply for a Free Session with me here. I'm excited to talk to you :-)
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