How to Overcome The Limiting Beliefs That Are Holding You Back From Success
Your life changes as you change your inner beliefs.
Don't believe you can do anything outside the confines of your 9-5? You'll continue to stay stuck.
Don't believe that you're worthy of being paid your worth? You'll continue to attract the clients who ask for discounts and don't pay on time.
Don't believe that your face fits or that you have the right look for an online business? You'll continue to hide away.
Don't believe you deserve to make money doing what you love? you'll self-sabotage, fritter away money and succumb to shiny object syndrome.
Everything in your life is a reflection of your inner beliefs. Your limiting beliefs are hiding in those areas where you don't have the results you want.
So to change the output, change the beliefs.
1) Identify the areas where the results are less than desirable, lower than your potential or inconsistent with who you are.
2) Identify the thoughts and beliefs you have about yourself in that area and write them down. Look them in the eye. Consider where that belief came from. Consider if it's true. Does it stand up to scrutiny? Acknowledge it for what it is. A belief. Not an irrevocable truth.
3) Create a new empowering belief to replace the old one that feels aligned with what you want and who you REALLY are.
4) Repeat for the next belief.
As part of my signature 1-1 Coaching Program, I work closely with my clients in a 2-hour mindset intensive at the outset. We dive deep into this work and the results are staggering. Old beliefs that go back years are dismantled and disposed of.
If you're ready to say goodbye to the old results, then book in for a complimentary Business Builder Session. Apply for your call here
Hey, I'm Tasmin! I'm a Mindset & Business Confidence Coach for new and aspiring female entrepreneurs. I help overcome their fears and ramp up their confidence so that they can escape the corporate drudgery and create a life and business on their terms.
Want to chat about how I can help you? Apply for a Free Session with me here. I'm excited to talk to you :-)
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