Why You Should Follow Your Dreams No Matter How Long It Takes
Have you ever wanted to do something but were worried about the time it would take?
And the prospect of putting that amount of time into it made you a little scared.
And maybe that thing had a bit (okay read A LOT) of uncertainty around it.
Me too. It's the reason I waited FIVE YEARS before starting my business. I knew for a long time that I wanted to be my own boss. I hated being stuck in an office, begging for permission for a day off, building someone else's dream and I really really hated being told what to do.
I can't help it. It's just the rebel in me!
But as my confidence dwindled in my corporate career, I was so intimidated by the amount of TIME making a change would take. Retraining, shifting emphasis, the uncertainty - it all seemed like it had such a long indefinite timeline attached to it.
One hot summer's day whilst sat in my Coach training, I heard the instructor say something really profound (an Earl Nightingale quote).
““Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.””
"Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway."
It got me right where it was supposed to.
I had such a deep realisation.
Even if I decide to stay in this job that doesn't fulfil me the time is going to pass.
The days of my life will continue to count down.
I have to CHOOSE how I pass that time.
You know how you have those defining moments in your life, that seem low key at the time but give you a big old lesson and stay with you?
Well, this was one of them!
I knew I couldn't let this stop me and the time it takes would never be a limiting factor again.
I was reminded of this moment by one of my gorgeous clients recently.
We worked together last year and she sent me an amzing message about how much her life has changed in that time. She is doing her soul work, making an impact, growing her business.
All the things she dreamt of doing. She could have waited, delayed, postponed, made excuses but she didn't. She asked herself what the cost of staying the same was and got honest with the answer. "going round in circles, the same old junk".
That is not easy realisation and it takes courage and bravery to acknowledge that and DO something about it.
And whilst she achieved incredible things since we worked together the most important thing is that when she DECIDED she was no longer available to settle THAT'S when the shift happened.
She changed things the INSTANT she DECIDED to.
She set in motion the chain of events.
It boiled down to that one powerful decision. Everything else is the catalyst and result of that.
I see it in my clients and I saw it in myself.
When you decide you are not available for the drama, to settle, to live a mediocre life, to live life on autopilot that's when God/the Universe sees your courage and rewards you.
So if you're feeling stuck right now. If you're living a life of autopilot, feeling trapped in your corporate job, doing something that you're not passionate about then you can decide to change it today.
The time will pass anyway.
You can either choose more of the same.
Or this time next year you can be in a whole different place.
You choose.
If you're ready to overcome the fears and limiting beliefs getting in the way of you making a change and creating a business that you love then, let's talk. Book a Business Builder call with me and start making that change today.
In this powerful 30 minute call we get clear on your big vision, address the challenges in your way and put in place an action plan to make your business a reality. ⠀⠀⠀⠀
If you're ready to move forward with determination then schedule your call with me by clicking here.
Hey, I'm Tasmin! I'm a Mindset & Business Confidence Coach for new and aspiring female entrepreneurs. I help overcome their fears and ramp up their confidence so that they can escape the corporate drudgery and create a life and business on their terms.
Want to chat about how I can help you? Apply for a Free Session with me here. I'm excited to talk to you :-)
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