This week the subject of procrastination has come up a fair bit. I've spoken to ladies who have a deep desire to get going with their businesses but despite this find themselves not doing the work they know they have to do. Then beating themselves up afterwards and questioning whether they are good enough or “have what it takes”.
Procrastination is never that simple.
We KNOW what we should be doing but for some reason, we don't do it. Then from there, we can beat up on ourselves and before we know it we are putting this label on ourselves as a procrastinator which doesn't serve us. Does this sound familiar?
If that's you, then here are some tips for overcoming the procrastination so that you can finally make progress and create that business that you desire.
1) It all starts with mindset.
If you’ve been around here for any length of time you will know that I have a “mindset first” approach.
Here’s the thing, negative thoughts and procrastination go hand-in-hand.
So start with shifting the thoughts behind the procrastinaton. Begin by reframing self-deprecating, blame-filled thoughts into empowering, positive ones. Life is much easier if you’re not beating yoursef up about things all the time. So start by giving yourself a break and changing your self talk around procrastination. If your self-talk becomes positive, you will start to believe it. And after a while, as you experience the joys of successful habits, you will find yourself less inclined to procrastinate.
2) Identify what's REALLY going on for you.
Take time to assess where things are really coming from and do some introspection around why you are procrastinating.
Why do you really think you are not doing the tasks you want to do?
Why are you resisting it?
What are you afraid will or won’t happen if you do this task?
Often when you look deeper, there is some self - doubt, fears, self - limiting beliefs or a lack of a plan in place.
Once you identify why you are procrastinating ask yourself where does it come from? What would change if I overcame it? What would it mean to have the life I desire?
Often we put off the very tasks that will have the biggest impact just as we are about to have a breakthrough; actually, start that business, finally get visible etc.
Sometimes we subconsciously self - sabotage which keeps us stuck. Read Gay Hendricks book The Big Leap to learn how we can self sabotage ourselves just as things are getting good. In this book he talks about the Upper Limit problem which may shed some light on why you sabotage yourself just as things appear to be getting good.
3) Take Other Things Off Your To-Do List
Often the source of procrastination can simply be overwhelm. When faced with a mountain of tasks to work through it can lead to not doing anything. When exhaustion and overwhelm are contributing to procrastination, take other, LESS critical tasks or activities off your to-do list. Do it immediately, then take a short break – perhaps a cup of your favorite tea – and get back to the overwhelming task.
You may be surprised at how less-overwhelming it seems, giving you the impetus to move forward again without the ankle-weights of those extra tasks or confusion. Bottom line, get vigilant about the tasks on your to-do list and whether they deserve to be there.
4). Discard Perfectionism
People who are perfectionists are prone to putting things off. They become overwhelmed with the fear that they won’t produce exceptional results, but perfectionism doesn’t result in extraordinary results: Ninety-nine percent of the time, it just reduces efficiency and induces paralysis.
It’s important to realize that getting the job DONE is more important than doing it perfectly: prioritising what is important and building forward momentum is what to focus on.
If perfectionism is your problem, give yourself permission to let go a little and get it done.
5) Don’t Beat Yourself Up
One thing procrastinators are prone to doing is blaming themselves for being ‘weak.’ Drowning in guilt is a sure-fire way to invite yourself to hide.
Forgive yourself. Banish shame. Lose the guilt. And lose the label too.
Stop calling yourself a ‘procrastinator, and pinning yourself with an unwanted label’ and focus instead on moving forward (even if it's small steps). Get support and accountability to help you reach milestones on your way so that you can instead create habits and behaviours that set you up for success.
If you are routinely labelling yourself a procrastinator then that is how you will show up.
We become what we believe and we have the power to create anything we desire. Be driven by the vision of what you want to create and avoid putting yourself in an unhelpful box that is difficult for you to break out of. You are a powerful creator capable of anything. Chose the label that reflects THAT version of you.
“The dread of doing a task uses up more time and energy than doing the task itself. ”
So there you have it. If you are routinely procrastinating use these tips to help you overcome the procrastination and create better habits when it comes to getting things done.
Finally take some time to connect with your WHY and your reason for wanting to make your business a success.
What’s the reason you want to make this a business a success.
What is your big vision for it?
What impact do you want to create with your work?
Take some time to journal on these questions and really connect with your vision. Then revisit these reflections daily to be more driven towards your vision than you are focused on your fear. This is HUGE when it comes to overcoming procrastination.
If you know that you are done with the stalling, second guessing and procrastination and are ready to take tangible steps to making your business a reality and attracting your dream clients to you then go ahead and book a Business Builder call with me to find out how I can help you with the accountability and support you need on your journey.
Hey, I'm Tasmin! I'm a Mindset & Business Confidence Coach for new and aspiring female entrepreneurs. I help overcome their fears and ramp up their confidence so that they can escape the corporate drudgery and create a life and business on their terms.
Want to chat about how I can help you? Apply for a Free Session with me here. I'm excited to talk to you :-)
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